Program of Workshop on Algorithms and Computation 2007

Venue: Atomic Energy Center Auditorium

Date: 12th February, 2007

Registration: 8: 00 -  9: 00

Opening Session and Plenary Talk:  (9:00 - 10:15)

Tea Break (10:15 - 10:45) 

Session 1 : Invited Talk I (10:45 – 11:45) Session Chair: M. Kaykobad

Session 2 : Graph Drawings and Graph Algorithms (11:45 – 12:45) Session Chair: Takao Nishizeki

Session 3: Data Structures (12: 45 – 1:30) Session Chair: Subhas Chandra Nandi

      Lunch and Prayer Break (1:30 - 2:30) 

      Session 4:  Algorithms (2:30 – 4:00) Session Chair: Shin-ichi Nakano

Tea Break and Prayer  (4:00 - 4:30)

Session 5: Invited Talk II (4:30 – 6:00) Session Chair Md. Abul Kashem

Closing Session (6:00) 

Banquet (7:30)